

Research and Prototype

For the Strategic Design and Management in New Economies course, I worked in a research team that identified the potential of EEG based devices, like Muse, to help users understand themselves better through the enhanced capability for a Quantified Self. The current advantage of EEG based devices is that they are able to constantly monitor and record a users mental state. This allows to them to collect information about the user autonomously and in real-time.

Here lies the opportunity; the customized data can feed into a unique user profile, showing mental and emotional states that can then be visualized through dynamic and appealing gamification and graphics.

The more the device can learn about the user and their needs, the more it can teach them about themselves. Being able to read a user’s mental activity allows EEG devices to do this better than any other. Facilitating an enhanced understanding of ourselves and each other lays the platform for happier people and therefore a happier world. The potential exists, all that is missing is a system support the transition from user understanding to user action as happiness can’t be realised without action.

The H+ppy clip

Inspired by the Muse and Melon EEG headbands, the H+ppy hardware is a brain sensing wearable that can measure and relay information unique to each user based on mental function and emotional state. By wearing the device, the system can measure and gauge mood, concentration, and stress levels which are very much dependent on the factors around the user. The device can be worn throughout the user’s daily activities and be attached to any glasses or headphones to create a seamless, customizable, and wearable accessory.

H+pp’s interaction with the physical space

H+pp can communicate with what surrounds you, transferring data over a network that can address your emotional state and alter your mood in a positive way, using ambient light and sound.
H+pp can control this network from wherever you are, through IFTTT ‘recipes’, so that you can arrive home to a light mood and music that relaxes or lifts your mood.

The H+pp app

Through tracking your brain activity as you visit specific locations or undertake certain activities, H+pp, the H+ppy’s app, can gauge your moods and detect behavior patterns. Building your behavior pattern allows H+pp to recommend you suggestions, such as undertaking a particular activity that would make you.